quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Travis Louie

Miss Bunny circa 1896

Miss Bunny wandered out of the woods near Hastings in 1893 to look for her family. They were devoured by wild dogs. She was adopted by a wealthy family and was sent to a boarding school.
During that time she took up acting and after graduation became a popular London stage actress.
She retired to a farm in Southern England.

Mr Enthusiasm

In 1873, Karl Froman woke up from a long nap and didn't sleep again for almost nine years.
After long bouts of insomnia, . . . he developed an unusual amount of enthusiasm for all things.
He wandered around the English countryside, cheering strangers on through the most mundane of tasks, like sweeping or rat-catching.
The townspeople eventually got used to his constant applause and even created a holiday in his honor called Happy Day. It would take place every March 15th to commemorate the day he woke up from his nap and stopped sleeping.



Amelia Queen of the Sea Monkeys

- - - She devoured the previous Queen, . . . Tentacles and all

Reginald Whiskers McPherson

Reginald could hold his breath for over an hour and crack open oyster shells on his chest. He loved eating catfish and preferred single-malt Scotch. He had an unusual gait (his arms flailed a bit and he shuffled his feet like an unbalanced penguin) Despite his repulsive body odor, he was the most popular professor during his tenure at Cambridge. His inventions and discoveries garnered him great fame, great wealth, and a knighthood. Always a laugh, he was constantly surrounded by women and rarely slept alone. This bristle-faced lothario was the envy of the entire continent. The English catch-phrase for having a good time became " Who's having the life of Reggie now!? " His entire adult life seemed to be one great moment after another, . . .and he laughed and laughed, . . .invented and achieved, . . .and laughed, . . .and continued to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks, while having possibly the best time that anyone had ever had in the entire history of the world! One good time led to another , . . . and another , . . .and another still. Until one day Sir Reginald dropped his timepiece, . . .and when he bent down to pick it up, he spontaneously combusted!! All that remained recognizable on his pile of ashes, were his whiskers and his shoes.

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