domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009


El libro de los abrazos, Eduardo Galeano, 1998


No consigo dormir. Tengo una mujer atravesada entre

los párpados. Si pudiera, le diría que se vaya; pero

tengo una mujer atravesada en la garganta.


Arránqueme, señora, las ropas y las dudas. Desnúdeme,



Yo me duermo a la orilla de una mujer: yo me duermo a

la orilla de un abismo.


Me desprendo del abrazo, salgo a la calle.

En el cielo, ya clareando, se dibuja, finita, la


La luna tiene dos noches de edad.

Yo, una.

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009


She's not a girl who misses much.
Do do do do do do do do
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane.
The man in the crowd with the multicolored mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust.
I need a fix 'cause I'm going down.
Down to the bits that I left uptown.
I need a fix 'cause I'm going down.
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun.
Happiness is a warm gun
Happiness is a warm gun
When I hold you in my arms
And I feel my finger on your trigger
I know no one can do me no harm
Because happiness is a warm gun.
Yes it is.


terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009


It is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing - so little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing - I watched the fire that grew so low.

It is the summer of my smiles - flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize - These things are clear to all from
time to time.

Talk Talk - I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go. I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so

These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I seek the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall...It's just a little rain...

(Jimmi Page/Robert Plant)

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009


Cristina Stifanic


Maria Callas, Salvador Dali, Madonna e Frida Kahlo

Acrylic, Glitter, Photoshop on canvas 100 x 100

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

David Chapelle

Karolina Kurkova, New York City, 2001

Mellaine Griffith, Stephen Wolf & John Watters
(dir. de Cecil B. deMente)
Paramount Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, 2000.

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2009

Wassily Kandinsky, (1866-1944)

Composition VIII. 1923. Oil on canvas. 140 x 201 cm. The Solomon R. Guggebheim Museum, New York, NY, USA.

Yellow-Red-Blue. 1925. Oil on canvas. 127 x 200 cm. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.

Picture II, Gnomus. Stage set for Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition in Friedrich Theater, Dessau. 1928. Tempera, watercolor and ink on paper. 20.5 x 35.8 cm. Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany.

Picture XVI, The Great Gate of Kiev. Stage set for Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition in Friedrich Theater, Dessau. 1928. Tempera, watercolor and ink on paper. 21.2 x 27.3 cm. Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung der Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany.

Composition LX. 1936. Oil on canvas. 113.5 x 195 cm. Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.

Pictures At An Exhibition '71

Emerson, Lake & Palmer

"Promenade & The Gnome"
Versão progressiva para
Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition

quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2009

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009

lady grinning soul

She'll come, she'll go. She'll lay belief on you
Skin sweet with musky oil
The lady from another grinning soul

Cologne she'll wear. Silver and Americard
She'll drive a beetle car
And beat you down at cool Canasta

And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room
Touch the fullness of her breast. Feel the love of her caress
She will be your living end

She'll come, she'll go. She'll lay belief on you
But she won't stake her life on you
How can life become her point of view

And when the clothes are strewn don't be afraid of the room
Touch the fullness of her breast. Feel the love of her caress

She will be your living end
She will be your living end
She will be your living end
She will be your living end
She will be your living end


domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

Urformen der Kunst

Karl Blossfeldt

Cucurbita - Tendrils of pumpkin - Magnified four times
Nigela damascena
Aconitum - Monkshood - Young shoot magnified six times
Delphinium - Larkspur - Part of a dried leaf magnified six times
Forsythia suspensa - Tip of forsythia twig with bugs - Magnified ten times
Adiantum pedatum - Maiden-hair fern - Young curled fronds magnified eight times
Aesculus parviflora - Horse chesnut - Branch tips magnified twelve times
Impatiens glandulifera - Indian Balsam - Stem with branchs, life-sized